Counselling, Supervision and
Relational Problems
Whether we consider ourselves to be introverts, extroverts or otherwise - human beings are naturally social. We need contact with other people - it's the reason we live in communities. Our early childhood experiences with those who raise us help us to develop 'patterns of relating' - our way of relating to the people around us in familial, friendship, working and romantic relationships. If we don't get the validation and guidance we need, we can develop ways of relating to others that are harmful to our self worth. These patterns help us to survive in childhood but become less useful in adulthood, affecting our ability to maintain helthy relationships.
Counselling can help us understand our patterns of relating and give us the choice of responding differently to others. It can help us understand ourselves better and have healthier relationships.
Clinical Supervision
Supervision is an important part of a counsellors clinical practice, ensuring that they have the time and space to reflect on their work and receive input from a senior practitioner to aid their growth and development and to keep them and their clients safe. I'm committed to providing high quality integrative supervision and I believe that good supervision has the following functions:
Enabling you to present and review your work and to receive support, constructive feedback and guidance.​
Helping you develop knowledge, skills and competence by reflecting on how you are working.​
Identifying and monitoring professional learning and development needs, interests and goals and exploring how these could be met.​
Constructively discussing the resolution of any conflict that may arise between us (the supervisor and the supervisee) and/or other agencies involved.​
Providing space for more general reflection on the impact and experience of the work.​
Supporting your overall growth in confidence, competence, and creativity as a counselling practitioner.
I charge £55 to £75 depending on length and frequency of sessions, and £45 -£65 for trainee counsellors. If you are interested in being supervised by me, please feel free to get in touch.
I'm an experienced trainer and workshop facilitator, able to design and deliver a wide range of training on mental health and wellbeing issues for practitioners, people in the helping professions and the general public. I'm approved by the Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body to teach level 2 and level 3 counselling courses.
Recent courses and workshops include:
CPCAB Level 2 Cetificate in Counselling Skills
CPCAB Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies
Telephone Counselling
Vicarious Trauma in the Helping Professions
Improving Your Mental Health
Stress Management
CBT - Introduction and Integrative Application
Bereavement for Line Managers
Substance Misuse for Line Managers
I provide tailor made workshops to meet your particular needs. If you're looking for health and wellbeing related training for your group or organisation, please get in touch.
Depression and Anxiety
Depression is part of the human condition; we all have times when we feel low or sad obout ourselves or our circumstances. For many of us, being depressed can have a huge impact on our lives, affecting our ability to work, sleep, eat and be close to others and sometimes resulting in feelings of pointlessness and hopelessness. Depression can be paralysing, and becasue of this it often goes hand in hand with anxiety - worrying about and judging ourselves for being depressed.
Research has shown that depression is often caused by the way we supress our feelings when we go through difficult times - we often adopt a 'just get on with it' attitude and our true feelings go unattended to. I provide a safe confidential space for you to explore and uncover your true feelings and work through them.
Most of us know what it feel like to be anxious. It can range from a niggling worry in the back of our minds that won't go away, to a full-fledged panic attack - heart racing, sweaty palms and shortness of breath. Anxiety can develop as a response to a stressful time or a traumatic event (think 'fight or flight' - our body preparing us to take action in the face of danger), but it can hang around as it often becomes a habitual response to life.
Anxiety involves our most primal instincts and can be difficult to shake once it's established. Counselling can help by looking at what's going on in your mind and body, and establishing new ways of responding.
Childhood Abuse and Neglect
Neglect, abuse and trauma during childhood can have a lasting effect on our personalities and how we relate to others and respond to our circumstances. As children we crave the love of our parents and caregivers and look to them for guidance on who we are and how to live, and when the parenting isnt 'good enough', we often absorb messages that tell us that we aren't good enough, that we are worthless or unloveable. These beliefs can affect how we behave in relatsionships and thus the pattern continues.
Counselling can help you to identify these patterns and break their hold on your life. When we understand more about ourselves and our lives we then have the choice and the freedom to respond to our circumstances in a healthier way.
Womens' Issues
Research shows that women are more likely than men:
to be carers, which can lead to stress, anxiety and isolation.
to live in poverty which, along with concerns about personal safety and working mainly in the home, can lead to social isolation
to experience physical and sexual abuse, which can have a long-term impact on their mental health.
to experience sexual violence, which can cause PTSD
Women also experience specific life events and problems such as childbirth, infertility, peri-menopause, sexism, and pressure to conform to sexual stereotypes to name a few.
Over the years I've helped many women face the challenges that their lives bring by providing a safe and empathetic ear, as well as a unique perspective and support in helping them redefine themselves and their lives.